Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Saving the "Witch-Children" of Eastern Nigeria

An abandoned "witch child" fed by an NGO
It is a sad tale of irresponsibility that in this century and after the work of Mary Slessor more than a century ago, children in Akwa Ibom and Cross River states of Nigeria are being systematically destroyed in the name of witchcraft. It is a degenerate and conscious form of paedocide that is encouraged by a psychotic "clergy", mentally depressed parents and nonchalant state governments. 

A society that is unable or unwilling to protect and nurture its minors is doomed. What is going on in the two states of Nigeria (which is more or less a banana republic) borders on insanity.  We pride ourselves for having some of the most popular churches on the planet; with jet-age "men and women of God" traversing world capitals with Christ-laced platitudes, but become beasts when it comes to compassion for our kind at home.

Jesus never advocated torture in dealing with any "sinner" or "demon possessed" person according to the bible; instead, he sought them out and healed them.  But there is a particular woman located in the Akwa Ibom/Cross River axis whose "ministry" is devoted to encouraging the demonization of children, torturing them and keeping them under inhuman conditions until they perish. Apart from this strange woman, other "prophets" appear to have taken this "witching doctrine" to ridiculous levels. This is going on in a country that prides itself for having institutions of higher learning, world-class learned men and women and an assumed religious consciousness bordering on theocracy. These Christ-laced hypocrites are not ashamed to go along with traditional anachronisms by the local populace who believe strongly in the ancient practice of witch hunting.

The unfortunate assumption is that these children are the "spiritual cause" of the problems the parents might be going through. This is a ridiculous notion at best. It does not matter what problems the parents are facing; whether economic, mental or general unhappiness, the theory is that the most vulnerable members of society are to blame!

While kids undergo Auschwitz-like treatment, those in position of power pay token attention to the crimes. They sit in air-conditioned insular chambers, whether in offices, cars, gated mansions or private jets, forgetting that the very base of society is gradually slipping away with the plaintive wail of tortured souls of children. These aloof leaders sometimes hurriedly put together laws that appear on the surface to show their concern for the evil going on, but deep down, they are not bothered. It is easier to dwell on the birthday party in France at the end of the month than think of some poor child being tortured to death.

More than a century ago, a Scottish woman; Mary Slessor, came to southeastern (Calabar) Nigeria and managed to convince the people to stop the killing of twins. It appears we need another Mary to come and rescue the "witch children" since indigenous Marys appear scarce. 

Why do we always look outside for help when we can easily solve our problems with some effort on our part? Why do we have to involve the United Nations or some foreign NGO from Sweden, Denmark or Germany, to come and teach us that our children are irreplaceable treasures? There is a serious problem when authority figures in the community such as the clergy and parents conspire to destroy young lives while the machinery of justice hardly takes notice. The two governors of the two aforementioned states should indict themselves because this wanton destruction of children is happening under their watch. The denial of rights, justice and humanity at the highest echelons of governance in Nigeria is a common disease and these traits flow down to the family level until they empty on the most vulnerable - children. 

If political office holders fight for the rights of the people to common decency the way they fight and kill for elections, maybe things would be better. But the majority of them are self-seeking, who usually seek to destroy the few statesmen in their midst. 

Most of the "witch kids" end up in the streets trying to survive while little ones, if lucky, are rescued by NGOs. The government should investigate the origin of these children and inquire as to why they have been neglected. If the parents admit witchcraft as reason for abandoning their ward then they should be indicted on the spot and hauled away to face justice. There should be a national and statewide awareness of the problem as a serious emergency. The so-called "ministries" that are contributing to these miseries should be sanctioned immediately and if investigations lead to any of them as having contributed to particular cases, the money for the rehabilitation of the child should be billed to them.

Public or private exorcisms related to witchcraft and condemnation of children should be banned. The real witches causing health, economic, natural, and unnatural problems in Nigeria are in government houses and other positions of power. They are comfortable with what is happening because as real culprits destroying the society, they can hide behind high walls and state security while vulnerable and defenceless children become scapegoats. 

Governors Udom Emmanuel and Benedict Ayede; please, solve the problem of "witch children" before you leave office, in order to truly be blessed. I am not talking of the blessings promised by your canting clerics, who want a bit of the pie you are currently eating but a true blessedness from the hearts of these dear young souls whose only offense was to be born in the wrong country.

"Prophetess" Akpabio: Encourages the stigmatization of "witch children"

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Nigerians Fantastically Corrupt: Who Taught Them?

The Nigerian-British Union
There is an assumed finality, truthiness, and acceptability of opinions the white world expresses about those they deem inferior to themselves. Anything spewed out of their thin lips must be correct since they are psychologically close to deity. This is because they control the narrative and have modified or obscured history in order to fit a whitened planet where Oyinbos have become the reference point for everything that is perfect. From slavery days to the so-called Panama papers, it has been an unending foolery.

Looking at the people present when the Prime Minster of Britain made a rather patronizing statement about Nigeria and one other country being fantastically corrupt; the triumvirate of the imperial, the religious and the political, were represented by the Queen, the Archbishop and the Prime (crime?) Minister. They represent deadly weapons that were unleashed centuries ago to accomplish world domination and institute the concept their supremacy.

The current division of the people of the world into extremes of riches and poverty is the deliberate idea of western powers and their cohorts. The way the system currently works guarantees in perpetuity that there would always be exploitable resources and labor for the satisfaction of corporate and imperial powers whose bastion lies westwards. In fact, in today's world, what seems to be democracy is simply a thinly veiled form of imperial fascism that is championed by the mercantilist class (corporations) for the benefit of unseen and untouchable imperial class. 

The whole gamut of so-called corruption in "developing" nations was caused by the unfortunate but deliberate distortions introduced into each country's socio-political and economic fabric in order to engender the emergence of a local parasitic class that is answerable to the master puppeteers in the corporate halls of western powers. If you look beneath the make-believe news cycle, and dig deep into each country's condition, especially "developing" ones such as in Africa, progressive forces are actively being destroyed for the satisfaction of knaves. 

In the late 50s and early 60s when most African nations became newly "independent", there were great men, and women who were ready to deal a deathblow to colonialism and its vestiges. They eagerly wanted to free African minds and compel real independence. But there were other Africans who benefited immensely from the exploitation of the land and its people during colonial rule. This second group belonged to the powerful local ruling class and their scions. It was from this group that the colonial masters chose most of the first leaders. Since they had been working together with the colonists during official colonialism, it was only natural that they continue to do so afterwards. Progressive minds were never allowed to develop the new nations of Africa after independence.

 A unique example was the personal and political destruction of Patrice Lumumba in Zaire and the subsequent imposition of Mobutu as leader for almost forty years of that nation's history. This means that an entire country's progress was mitigated for nearly four decades by the same powers that love to thumb their noses at backward Africans. The same template was used to stymie the progress of countries in South and Central America, Asia and the Middle East by eliminating statesmen and imposing controllable imps. 

Western leaders should know better than call out other nations as corrupt when they were, and still are, responsible for encouraging corruption worldwide. Nigeria, for example, has been fighting to get monies stolen by past leaders back from the clutches of western banks for more than a couple of decades. These western nations would not tolerate a cabinet minister spending more than a few hundred dollars or pounds over budget, and in fact, some ministers have resigned for not retiring in full, their state sponsored expenses! But these same criminals condone the deposit of billions of dollars and pounds of third world wealth in their banks without question.  They encourage buying fantastic real estate by their puppets without asking how such wealth came about. This is mainly because the transfer of wealth from the third world to the criminal world is used to shore up the economy of the recipient. For example, Abacha's loot has probably generated enough interest in high yielding stocks over the past two decades that has made financial speculators rich.

It is therefore pathetic that the first people we run to when faced with problems are these same criminals who are the basis of most of our problems. This is the reason why they have a good laugh at us when we turn our backs and discuss us as if we are trained zoo animals instead of humans.

Britain and the rest of the western world are hypocritical when they stand afar and point fingers at the vileness they helped in creating. They act as if Africa and other parts of the underdeveloped world are the way they are because of internally generated problems instead of acknowledging their part in the whole mess.

Our educational, military and political systems are direct grafting from the west and that is why these systems would never work for the benefit of Africans. At inception, these systems were not designed to be constructive but at best extractive and at worst destructive. The men in uniform, for example, see anyone but their principal as a piece of kickable matter to be oppressed and destroyed when given the order - just like colonial henchmen. Policemen carry shopping bags for the wives of the rich but would not hesitate to shoot ordinary Nigerians dead at the slightest, or no provocation.

After graduation, most Nigerians are unlikely to be engaged in any meaningful nation-building endeavour, and since western controlled media mostly shape their worldview, they edify whatever is white.  They would do anything to leave what they consider as a backward country and rush towards the lights of Europe, even if it means certain destruction in the Mediterranean Sea. We have even been convinced, or compelled, to stop teaching history in our schools because the only history that matters is white - and what they say about others. But when the history of a people does not matter it is a clear indication that the people themselves do not matter.

Someone said, "…The mother is the first teacher of the child and whatever the mother gives to that child, the child gives to the world."  Britain is the "mother" of Nigeria and other unfortunate countries, and what we have here is that their fantastic corrupting influence has come of age.

Cameron: just zip it; it is your unmitigated corruption and subjugation (from the days of overt slavery to date) of other parts of the world that has made you, the Bishop and the Queen rich and carefree. 

What is termed corruption in Nigeria is actually a desperate cry for help from a people without leadership, whose birthright has been sold and paid for.  Nigerians are content to be treated like animals in a pen because that is the only thing they know. Generally uneducated, they are content to be strung along the tramlines of ethnic and religious perfidy. Unable to fulfill the basic needs of a human being, desperation becomes the order of the day. The only regret in all of this is that our leaders are still children and the Camerons of this world have the whip.